Sunday, February 26, 2012

Movie Review: The Artist

A modern silent film about old silent films. Imagine that. Silent movie star George Valentin (in a fantastic performance by French actor Jean Dujardin) falls victim to the rise of the "talkies", leading to his divorce and loss  of passion for his life. Meanwhile, breakout actress Peppy Miller (played by Berenice Bejo) is the talk of the town in Hollywood, and is the leading star in many of the most popular movies in Hollywood. Fate eventually brings the two together, probably due to the fact that Valentin gave Miller her start in the movie business. Valentin is on the verge of taking his life, when Peppy saves him and gets him another acting role. This "love letter to cinema" was technically excellent, and showed deep appreciation of the beginnings of film. Also, the dance scene at the end was one of the most entertaining sequences in a movie this year. Though the story does get a little dry and repetitive and points, this film was magnificently crafted by French director Michael Hazanavicius. I don't believe that it deserves the coveted Best Picture Oscar (which I am sure it's getting because it is traditional Oscar bait, and an award which I believe should go to either The Tree of Life or The Help), but it was still an entertaining film with a nice ode to the beginnings of "modern" (talking) cinema.
Rating: B-
Potential Oscars: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Best Originial Screenplay, Best Costume Design, Best Score

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